Saturday 5 September 2015

The Silent Era

Well this is my first ever blog, but I thought I might as well start with a subject I am enthusiastic about.

Technology has been evolving at exponential rate, but the concept hasn't changed much. We seem to want things faster and quicker to meet our immediate needs.

The real change seems to have occurred with the uptake of mobile devices and improvement of internet infrastructure. These too have allowed businesses to grow and evolve to areas they never thought to grow. It would seem that the never ending appetite for data also just keeps on going especially with the emergence of A.I\Machine learning with data analysis.

The question I keep on hearing is "What is the next big innovation?"...

So lets see where we are headed in the immediate future;
Mobile devices are overtaking every other device. Soon to be capable of replacing full blown PC's by just docking them probably over wireless.

Augmented reality, a theory that was in the good old Star trek with the "Holo deck" soon to become a reality with the Microsoft Hololens. Unlocking a whole lot of business possibilities we never contemplated - the designing world is about to get a massive revamp\disruptor; Architecture, Building, interior design, engineering, even heavy equipment operators might be able to see where underground cables are by just using this headset.

Bionics is evolving to allow us to replace body parts with metals and plastics.
A.I and robotics is around the corner leading to an array of capitalistic questions as long as my arm, but lets talk about that later.

In my opinion there is one big next step for us, and that is what I call the "silent era".
The silent era is when humans control electronics by pure thought. When the phone becomes the medium for cognitive actions. Things like sending a text by thinking about someone and something to say, or getting the air conditioner to switch on without even looking at it. How much simpler can life get then that?
So why the "silent era"?
Well when we start using our mobile to text our thoughts I wonder how much talking we would actually do?

This might not happen for the next 10-50 years, but I think it is just the natural evolution of technology. I wonder how far off I will actually be...