Saturday 29 July 2017

Setting Up BLTouch on infitary M508

Setting Up BLTouch on infitary M508

**General note I take no responsibility for any damage that may occur to you in this implementation. This is how I configured it but no guarantees.

So levelling is a pain, so I thought this is one problem that needs to be fixed.
Bought the Clone BLtouch from aliexpress... seemed fine but comes with lots of parts like dupon connectors. Which means you will need a crimping tool to put it together.
The other part you need is an extension for the 5 cables coming out of the BLTouch, the ones that come with the BLtouch are incredibly short.

Additional stuff you need to product;
* Crimping tool
* Additional wires
And depending on how good your crimping skills are you might need additional dupon connectors.

Alternatively you could just by a 2pin to 2pin (Black and White) cable with the 2piece dupon connectors attached and another 3pin to 3pin (Orange, Red & Brown) cable with the 3 piece dupon connectors.

Mount for the BLtouch

I took an existing mount from thingiverse, but that didn't really work well as it was too high according to the spec.

 Was about 15mm high when it needed to be about 8mm.

So I modified the shape on blender. You can find it here. (Thingy item 2459032)

Wiring diagram

First things first. I spent hours trying to figure out how to connect this to the M508. The board looks like this; (BTW this seems to be the same board as the Alunar)

You don't really need the brown GND, but I added it for good measure.
For this you need to disconnect the Z-Min sensor. You are replacing it with the bltouch.
DONT AUTO HOME until you upload firmware.

So where you should be up to now is that the red light on the bltouch comes on and does 2-3 ins and outs, but will really not be able to do anything.

Changes to Marlin Firmware

You will need Arduino IDE for this next bit.

The version of marlin I ran this on was 1.1.4. The versions seem to be very different so can't guarantee this will work on a newer version.

Overall, download the latest release (or if you can find it 1.1.4)

The following is what I changed. Will also put my firmware here but I use PETG filament so the ABS Settings are off.

Once you downloaded the firmware, open up the zip file somewhere.
Replace the configuration.h and configuration_adv.h in the marlin directory with the files from the example_configurations for the Infitary-i3-M508.

Now open the marlin.ino file and it should load up the arduino IDE.

***First off the default this board is defined as a RAMPS 1.3 board (whatever that means)
This is on its own right is not a problem. If you follow the chain of files to the pins_RAMPS.h you will find this;
#ifdef IS_RAMPS_13 //This was defined in a different file...
  #define SERVO0_PIN       7 // RAMPS_13 // Will conflict with BTN_EN2 on LCD_I2C_VIKI
  #define SERVO0_PIN       11
The problem here is that any default configuration you enable for the BLTouch will expect you to use pin 11 (SERVO0). The BTN_EN2 is not shared with this pin on the M508 so I changed it to PIN 11

#ifdef IS_RAMPS_13
  #define SERVO0_PIN       11 // RAMPS_13 // Will conflict with BTN_EN2 on LCD_I2C_VIKI
  #define SERVO0_PIN       11

Now go and edit the configuration.h file with the BILINEAR leveling;
All the settings below are settings that were changed from the Marlin 1.1.4 configuration.h file. The rest I just omitted to avoid complexity.
//============================== Endstop Settings ===========================

//============================= Z Probe Options =============================
#define Z_ENDSTOP_SERVO_NR 0   // Defaults to SERVO 0 connector.
#define Z_SERVO_ANGLES {10,90}  // Z Servo Deploy and Stow angles (10,90) is for BLTOUCH.
#define BLTOUCH
  #define BLTOUCH_DELAY 1000   // (ms) Enable and increase if needed

#define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -25  // X offset: -left  +right  [of the nozzle]
#define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -45 // Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle]
#define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -2   // Z offset: -below +above  [the nozzle]
//originally 205 but m508 can go to 215 (Not related to bltouch)
#define X_MAX_POS 214
#define Y_MAX_POS 214

//=============================== Bed Leveling ==============================
  #define RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 180 //Bed Max X - Left probe
  #define BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION 159 //Bed Max Y - Front probe
  #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT ((X_MIN_POS + X_MAX_POS) / 2)    // X point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28).
  #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT ((Y_MIN_POS + Y_MAX_POS) / 2)    // Y point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28).
//============================= Additional Features ===========================
#define EEPROM_SETTINGS // Enable for M500 and M501 commands - Allows you to save BLTouch Z offset
  // To disable EEPROM Serial responses and decrease program space by ~1700 byte: comment this out:
  #define EEPROM_CHITCHAT // Please keep turned on if you can.
//SET FOR BLTOUCH - still not sure why 3?
#define NUM_SERVOS 3 // Servo index starts with 0 for M280 command

#define DEFAULT_NOMINAL_FILAMENT_DIA 1.75   // (mm) Diameter of the filament generally used (3.0 or 1.75mm), also used in the slicer. Used to validate sensor reading. - I fixed this while I was at it. It was set to 3.0mm when I use 1.75mm

All items in green are items that require you to check on the printer and fill in those spots.
The Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER settings will most likely need to be adjusted as part of levelling calibration process.

Hopefully, if everything went well you can compile. If successful you can now upload the file.
Connect your device via USB it should come up as a new com port.
Change the board and processor under "tools" menu;
Board should be "Arduino\Gemuino Mega or Mega 2560"
Processor should be "ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

Now upload (CTRL+U). It will compile then upload. Don't disturb it. If it fails to upload, try again.


On whatever tool you have that can run serial commands to the printer run these. (I use octoprint)

Under the Terminal type; (Don't type the ; and comments after it:))
M280 P0 S10 ; pushes the pin down M280 P0 S90 ; pulls the pin up M280 P0 S120 ; Self test – keeps going until you do pin up/down or release alarm M280 P0 S160 ; Release alarm 
M119 ;shows status of x,y,z min they should all be open.
M280 P0 S60 ;Puts the the BLTouch in test mode dont skip this test.
M119 ;Take note that everything is "open"
Now push the pin upwards, should be a very light touch and not hard. The light should come on.
If your BLtouch is like mine, it will push the pin down again in a few seconds.
Before it pushes the pin down, put in the M119 again.

You should see Z_Min triggered. If it isn't something has gone wrong, and it is way to hard to tell you where. Could be wiring, could be firmware... try narrowing it down. You shouldn't need the resistors or anything else.

First calibration

So we are nearly there. Need now to make sure that the nozzle is nearly touching the heat bed when the Z is zeroed.

For this next step have you finger over the power button to shut it off if it doesn't go as expected. What I mean is that if the BLTouch isn't working as expected the auto-homing will push the nozzle into the bed and potentially damage something!

Go back to the terminal and type;
M851 ; this should give you the item I highlighted in orange a while back
G1 Z0 ; this will set the nozzle at Z0 at least what it thinks is 0.

If the nozzle is too high above the bed then the Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER  needs to be a lower number (e.g. -2.5 instead of -2). If it's pushing into the bed, then it needs to be larger (-1.5 instead of -2). 

To figure out how much to put in, you will need a number that slightly digs in the bed (should push the springs) and play with the Z on the actual m508 (under prepare), move it up till you have a figure (e.g +0.2mm)

Let's say the figure I had was -2 from M851. Now I need to add the 0.2mm, this should give me a figure to put in = -1.8

To change the z offset programmatically you can type in; Have a piece of thin a4 paper under the nozzle.

M851 Z-1.8G28 ; homeG1 Z0 ; this will set the nozzle at Z0 at least what it thinks is 0.
If the paper is slightly hard to move but still moves under friction of the nozzle, you are good to go. If not, keep adjusting the M851 Z value till it does.

Once you are done commit to memory (EEPROM). Type in the terminal

M500 ; commit to memory

Autoleveling the bed

Now in the menu do prepare->bed levelling
or type G29 from the terminal. It should measure 9 points across the bed. (these points probably need tweaking but for now that should be fine)

G29 in startcode

Make sure to do a leveling command at the beginning of each print (this is not a must, but good measure)

I use Slic3r and I put it in the "Printer Settings->Custom G-code"
After G28 on the next line put in G29

Printing a test print

Use this to test the calibration and auto bed levelling is working

Issues encountered

This thing burned up a weekend nicely.
First off where to connect was painful, then the fact that it wasn't listening to commands from the firmware. This was caused by the pins_RAMPS.h file using the wrong port!!!!

After figuring that one out when I hit auto-home it would keep on pushing the heat plate and not stopping.
It ended up being a mistake I made in the firmware. I forgot to add #define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false
was set as true while I did setup Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING  as false. This is a must.

Overall its now working. Time will tell how well it actually works. Might have to monitor start of prints for a while.



  1. Hi, is this still working fine for you? I am considering doing this mod to my machine as well :)

  2. I would say that the leveling is working fine. My issue is now with the extruder clicking but I think that has to do with the PETG filament and my fine tuning. It did happen around the same time with the bed leveling. Lately I am changing to many things to be able to track exactly what is causing the issue. Probably need to slow down:)

  3. My sensor is not responding to stow or deploy commands, i have triple checked both the wiring and the firmware by now. Do you have any idea what could be the problem? It just glows red, when i turn on the printer it goes up and down 2 times, and then i am not able to control it :/

  4. I Just figured out the problem, i had connected it to D12 not D11 on the board, so it was the wrong servo :) Thanks for the guide :)

    1. Hello, I did it too but BL lights with blue LED. Is that normal?

  5. Just used your tutorial with a recent version of Marlin. (Some extra code changes were needed, but all very self-explanatory.)
    Works like a charm, Thanks a lot!

  6. I don't know if you happen to still look at this, but after the auto bed leveling sequence my printer isn't actually printing. Would you have any ideas on this?


    1. What printer do you have? Never had that occur.

    2. Man, I complete missed this reply(thanks for the quick response!). I have an alunar M508 I did end up getting it to work I had to re-slice my files.

    3. Actually I had a question about the z offset probing. Are you able to lower the z axis while adjusting the probe z offset? I have to auto home and guess the offset and home again to see if it gets close and basically guess that way. Also have you tried baby stepping? Sorry for all the question

    4. I actually have the same problem to today. it does feel like a guessing game and I do wish i had a more scientific way to determine it, but its easier to play with the offset then the bed:)
